Friday, January 22, 2016

What Takes Away the Pain of Parenting

It had been a long week. We had just moved across the country and to top that off, man-cub J was teething again. He has four teeth coming in at the same time. When he is teething, he screams. Not just screams, but shrieks on the top of his lungs. Constantly. It's not so bad for an hour, but when it's for a week straight it starts to wear on you.

Our apartment was only half-way unpacked and I knew that I had a long day of unpacking and organizing in front of me. I was overwhelmed and frustrated. The day didn't go well and I snapped at my husband and child multiple times. I was not proud of myself at the end of the day.

I started going through the motions of putting man-cub J to bed. As I sat in the rocking chair feeding him his bottle, he looked into my eyes with unconditional love. It was a quiet, sweet moment. I suddenly felt very grateful for the life I was living. I was grateful to be a mama to my little boy and a wife to my loving husband. The pain of the day didn't feel so big anymore. I knew that the next day would go better if I kept this gratitude in my heart. And it did.

1 comment:

  1. This is so touching! Made me teary. Thanks for sharing. Love, GMama M
